“Of whom (it) hath been spoken”

This referential phraseology occurs twice in the Book of Mormon.
Currently there are eight other instances known: 1550–1710.

PRIMARY SOURCES Royal Skousen, ed., The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text (New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2009). WordCruncher ebook with part-of-speech tagging.
Pseudo-archaic writings [1740–1888]: 25 texts, ~582k words; ebook.
Early English Books Online (EEBO): ~60k texts (1473–1700), ~1.45 billion words. Phase 1 has: 25,368 texts, ~767m words. Phase 2 has: 34,958 texts, ~708m words.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO): ~195k texts (1701–1800), ~9.4b words (mostly late modern, but many earlier texts). First 70 years has: ~107k texts, ~5.0b words. Last 30 years has: ~88k texts, ~4.4b words.
Evans Early American Imprints Online: 5,012 texts, ~100m words; ebook.
Google Books • Ngram Viewer : In 2024, Google Books had ~20.5b words from 1801 to 1829, but it had only ~4.9b words from 1470 to 1800.

“Of whom hath been spoken”

3 Nephi 26:14
And it came to pass that he did teach and minister
unto the children of the multitude, of whom hath been spoken,
and he did loose their tongues.

1550, EEBO A13758, [333]
purchased to cause hym to be adiournedde or somoned in Sycile,
togiders wt the other, of whome hathe bene spokene,

1583, EEBO A18098, [83]
seruing their owne turnes with all practises and cheuisaun[c]es, to get and gather golde and siluer, more then all they of whom hath bin spoken heretofore:

c1600, Google Books, 33 • Google Books, 439
The book lying in her window,
her maid (of whom hath been spoken) took it up,

1649, EEBO B25979, 46 • 1684, EEBO A48431, 917
the most of these Heads no doubt were of the great Sanhedrim, and though in the affairs of the Temple the Sagan, Katholikin, Immercalin and Gizbarin, of whom hath been spoken already, were above them;

1657, EEBO A28496, 152 • 1726, ECCO CW0101944618, 87
in the same hill where the Iron-mine was of Mr. Christopher Wandsworth, of whom hath been spoken above.

“Of whom it hath been spoken”

Alma 5:21
yea, his garments must be purified until it is cleansed from all stain
through the blood of him of whom it hath been spoken by our fathers
which should come to redeem his people from their sins.

1563, EEBO A09568, 13
The begynnynge of Rome was at that tyme as the Kynge Salmanasar (of whome it hath been spoken) dyd raygne ouer the Assyrians.

1580, EEBO A19309, [989]
for they cannot hide themselues so wel, but they wil be surprised:
but hee speaketh of them of whome it hath bene spoken off heretofore.

1710, Google Books, 156
And that will belong to him far more than to some of whom it hath been spoken;

The archaic periphrastic did phrase in 3 Nephi 26:14

This is the one example of the phrase “did teach and minister” that I found outside of the Book of Mormon:

1590, EEBO A10609, 207
P. Martyr saith, there were two sorts of Elders: the one which did teach and minister the Sacraments, and did gouerne with the Bishops:

The questionable grammar of Alma 5:21

Here is an early modern example of the pronoun it referring back to garments:

1619, EEBO A01545, 71
when the Souldiers that executed him, parted his garments among them,
and to saue it from quartering, cast Lots apart vpon one of them,